viernes, abril 27, 2007

My New Best Ex-Friend

Don't you just love it when relationships turn sour? No? Neither do I.

One day, all the little flowers are happy, all the birdies are too *tweet, tweet* and then WHAM (an incredibly shite band I hasten to add, but I was trying to use the sound of a moose impacting on your car while you are travelling at 100 mph). All the world goes tits-up because of a misunderstanding.

Fucking hell - if I want to abuse someone, I do it to their face, not indirectly, through turd parties or the gossip column. If, I want to belittle some piece of shit for being an iconic arse-wipe I will do it directly - I at least want to have the satisfaction of seeing a 'job well done'. So if you hear "Well, S said this" - BullFUCKINGshit. If I wanted to say something, I would at least say it directly to their face and then wait for a reaction.

I do not, EVER, betray a friend - it's fucking hard enough to find one in the first place.

But, no, "the rumour mill has to be believed". *whiney voice*"but you said this" - oh did I? I was there and I don't remember "but you must of".... Yeah well, FUCK YOU and I'm sorry I even tried to get to know you - my mistake, I thought you were worth it.

Oh well, one less Christmas card to buy.

*retreats to the shadows where he belongs*


13 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

I have just finished the reading of my favorite serial, with much of
recreation, I like much the style.
J' want some still and


kimmyk dijo...

I'll be your huckleberry.

Mr. X dijo...

Move on. It's all you can do.
Apart from the occasional gesture with fingers, that is.

Drama Queen dijo...

Let it go my lovely. In time you'll realise they were never worth it in the first place.

Besides you have many more to add to that list, you'll barley notice their absence.

Wheras they will come to miss you like mad, you're very missable afterall.


SpanishGoth dijo...

Tx all - just having a bad few hours......

phoenix dijo...

The problem with life is..people, juct when you think everything's going along swimmingly someone puts a spanner in the works. I had this only last week but dealt with it like you, by having a face to face showdown with the best friend concerned. After pointing out a few facts and dispelling many fictions she had conjured in her head it is now sorted. Sometimes, and i hate confrontation and will avoid it at all costs,but sometimes you've just got to stand up and shout.x

phoenix dijo...

doh typo, obviously i meant to say 'just when you think..'. Been shouting at estate agents this morning so brain fry already!!

SpanishGoth dijo...

Whenever life appears to be going 'swimmingly well' I am always on the look-out for sharks

Shaz dijo...

Ask yourself where they really a true friend if they thought that the gossip about you was real? I think not, true friends would have known better x x

The Aunt dijo...

They weren't worth it. Hugs. M

SpanishGoth dijo...

Thanks ladies - I know my friends but do take it to heart sometimes when people believe the shite

Mr Farty dijo...

Most of the shite said about me is true.

Hope you can make up eventually.

SpanishGoth dijo...

To be honest Mr F, life's too short. I shall just forget I knew the mother-fucker in the first place....