domingo, abril 01, 2007

I'm So Tired

"I'm so tired of being you, suppressed by all my childish fears" - not a direct quote from Evanescence but, one word makes a difference.

(how hard can it be? fucking big and thus fucking hard.)

how tired? - weary of it all

being used? - i don't even want to contemplate it

suppressed? - hmmmm, don't get me started on twat topic

childish? probably - aren't we all when we are stripped emotionaly naked

I should not post this, I should instead pay some jumped up twat or twatess to tell me I'm fucked up. Hooray, what a bollocks of an idea

All will become clear in the next few days,

For newbies.... sorry - having a bad day.....

For regs...sorry - having a bad week....

a luego,

9 comentarios:

bananas62 dijo...

My Goth Man, You've had a rough couple of weeks! (((big hugs!!!)) it'll be alright!!! We're here for ya!

The Aunt dijo...

I find some exercise, a hot bath, the painting of my toenails and Monteverdi's vespers of the blessed virgin played pigeon-scaringly loud can often help.

The Aunt dijo...

Strauss waltzes work even better.

MKWM dijo...

Te mando un fuerte abrazo, todo mi cariño y esta sonrisa :-)

Shaz dijo...

We love you good or bad week hun, we all have em x x

SpanishGoth dijo...

Thanks bloggy-buddies,

Just a wee bit sensitive at the mo - call it a 'time of the month' thing....with even more attitude

Oy Marianne - Strauss? No. Manson Yes ;-)

MKWM dijo...

A 'time of the month' thing? Oooh, that's bad, very bad.

Well then, I must be having a 'time of the year' thing, but I'll survive. I think...
At least I try :-)

Anónimo dijo...

L’âme du romantisme qui s’éveil, quoi de plus normal que de vouloir vivre sa vie !

Drama Queen dijo...

Chin up Goth Boy. We like to see your smile.