domingo, julio 29, 2007

ThankYou Very Fucking Much

*Apologies if you tuned into Part 2 of 'CSI - Bruxelles' but listen to this message from our sponsors and feel - something*

McDonalds is very good if you want to be a fat bastard.

Goth will be having a bad day - and it's not helped at all by listening to Linkin Park - fucking twats

"It's like a whirlwind inside of my head ..... it's right beneath my skin"

Thanks very much Chester, you bloody freak. I really don't appreciate people getting inside my head.

I'm confused enough already without you singing 'One step closer to the edge' , 'my pride is broken' or 'guilty by assosciation'. They are lyrics I wish that I'd written - words that express how I feel but didn't dare. For fucks sake, it's what I wanted to vocalize but then I would be in trouble.

You short arsed twat.

It's not that I don't appreciate your integrity but, STOP IT. Now I have to think. Gadzooks !! What if I don't want to think anymore?

Can I just not exist without having to pretend to be something I'm not?! Now, I will get castigated for being me. The myopic muppets will reign again. I will get blamed for things I didn't do, again.

People, in the widest sense of the word, wonder why I'm so fucked up. That will be on account of the fact that I think too much. I'm not an idiot - I just behave like one, on occassion.

I like to hope that people care about me, which apparently would be wrong. They don't - they want their own shit fuck ups to be more important than mine. Well - hoo fucking ray.

As Chester says "I tried so hard, but in the end it doesn't even matter"

I would like to say, something, but .... oh, what's the fucking point?

No-one is listening anyway.

18 comentarios:

Gorilla Bananas dijo...

Goth: I hope your love of music will one day bring you solace.

zoe dijo...


Tippler dijo...


Daphne Wayne-Bough dijo...

Breathe into a paper bag honey. Get Mariposa to brush your hair with a lovely Mason Pearson brush. Turn Linkin Park off and listen to the rain. Have a long soak in a lavender scented bath. Failing that, chocolate works for me.

Anónimo dijo...

Ohhh, come on on, I'm listening ;)

SpanishGoth dijo...

GB -> but what if the Gothic music caused it?...

Zed ->

Tippler -> you are so shit at typing

Daphne -> but I'm too young to smell like lavender

Lolly -> it's not worth the effort - trust me

The Aunt dijo...

It IS the Goth music that's doing it. It's why I had to kick the Goth habit.

Try the Cure's "Friday I'm in love". Always cheers me up.

I DO smell of lavender. I've got a stinking cold and I've just had a hot lavender bath to sweat it out.

Anónimo dijo...

I never thought I'd hear anyone say that they turn to The Cure to be cheered up, but that song is a notable exception, I guess...

Mental note to self: try to find a Leonard Cohen or Nick Drake song to lift me from the depths of despair.

Nature Girl dijo...

I'm listening Goth. I will listen anytime you need. I don't always give great advice, but I'm a FABulous listener. And I am sooooo with you on this..

Ariel dijo...

Echoes my thoughts exactly. Oh dear, shall we have a hug? Misery likes company... x

SpanishGoth dijo...

Aunty M -> Linkin Park are not Goth but sorry to hear you are not well

Gddik -> it's a 'feeling less miserable than Smith thing'

Stacie -> Thanks honey, was just off on one....again

Ariel -> Misery Loves Company - never that big a fan of the band (but I'm loving the hug :)

Nature Girl dijo...

the offer stands. Anytime.
stampgirl at hotmail dot com

Tippler dijo...

Well, I hope you're ok, but let me go off on one too and pimp myself around your blog.

Big Blogger vote closes today (Monday) so go and vote Tippler!

Yep, I'm a tart. But you knew that...

SpanishGoth dijo...

Stacie -> Thanks honey, appreciate it

Tippler -> You a tart? Never....

Anónimo dijo...

I would like to say, dear, I had to hear about some of your your problems via the Catbox staff, as you, even having spoken to me about certain things petaining directly to your problem for most of an afternoon, didn't tell me. Why is that? I suppose it is partially a man thing. May I quote a manthing "I can't read your mind!" ; )
I can't know what you don't tell me.
Of course we care about you you silly goth thing!
Now quit moping and contact us so we can come listen!

SpanishGoth dijo...

Laura -> You know nothing about my worries - or do any of the litter.

I am having a shit week !!

Anónimo dijo...

Welcome to the club! Suppose you wouldn't want a list from me though.
I said I would listen now fookin' knock it off.

SpanishGoth dijo...

The sad thing is, yes, I would listen to the list. And then I would watch the destruction happen around me